A basic method, which can help to prevent the development of prostatitis is prevention. Experts agree that the main reason why prostatitis – decreased immunity, and chronic sources of infection in the body. However, it is within the power of every human being, in order to minimise the factors that can cause inflammation in the body. First of all, it is important for men over the age of 50 years. Running the the disease, it will bring you a lot of problems: long-term treatment of serious complications, and is often a problem in intimate life, such as the prostate causes of erectile dysfunction.
General preventive measures are divided into two types:
- The primary. The main purpose is to prevent the development of inflammation.
- In the secondary. It is designed to be used, which is a disease. The goal is to avoid its transition into the chronic stage.
The prevention of the pathology, these include:
- Physical activity: walking, Jogging, skating, tennis, skiing.
- The exercises for the stimulation of the pelvic muscles, squats, kegels, leg swings, the "Wheel".
- The diet involves the restriction of hot, spicy dishes, at the same time, including products, rich in vitamins and dietary fiber.
- The Refusal From Smoking.
- A regular sex life. The type and frequency of sexual activity have a direct impact on the condition of the body. However, it should be noted, however, that indiscriminate sexual relations are a source of infection. A variety of sexual perversions, of long-term abstinence, the the deliberate delaying and interruption of the acts, various sexual perversions – these are all factors that have a negative impact on the condition of the gland. Regular sex with a regular partner, it is an ideal tool for the prevention of prostatitis.
- In order to avoid situations, in which excitement does not lead to sexual intercourse.
- The refusal of the interrupted sexual intercourse as a method of birth control is ineffective and can be detrimental.
The main components of disease prevention

Take care of your health for entire life. The preventive measures shall include the carrying out of simple actions.
- The training of the muscles. The passive way of life, leads to the fact that muscles lose their elasticity. This ultimately leads to the growth of the body.
- Walk. The following is the massage of the prostate gland. This has had a positive impact on the condition of the body. In addition, there are daily walks in the fresh air, and it's good for your overall health.
- Of a massage. An excellent tool for the prevention of – and professional massage of the lumbar region. If you want to run, you need to have at least four times a year.
- Board. A proper diet is an important part of the prevention of prostatitis. You need to completely exclude from a diet of salty, sour, smoked foods, and increase consumption of vegetables, cereals and fruits.
- The prevention of hypothermia. To prevent the sore, you will need to dress for the season.
- Regular visits to your doctor. As a prevention, it is necessary to pass the examination at the urologist at least twice a year.
Adherence to simple preventive measures that will help to maintain the health of the men to a ripe old age.
Sex life with prostatitis

In addition to exercise, massage and folk remedies, prevention prostatitis include another important aspect ‒ a full sex life.
- Patients suffering from prostatitis, should lead a regular sexual life with a reliable, permanent partner.
- The interrupted sexual contacts should be excluded, as this may lead to stagnation of secretions.
- In the absence of a permanent partner, and do not use barrier contraception.
Weight training at home.
The passive way of life, causing stagnation of blood in the pelvis and leads to the deterioration of the the flow of blood. You want to include in your daily routine is a simple exercise.
Specifically, we recommend:
- A game of badminton or tennis.
- The "production" of gymnastics activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- Walking in the morning to workout and Run.

Gymnastics at home – the easiest way to maintain the health in good condition. Light exercise can be performed by any man
Any physical activity has a positive effect on the body, however, there are certain exercises for the prostate gland.
Approximate set of exercises for the prostate gland:
- Tension of the muscles of the perineum, attempt to include the colon. This exercise was repeated at least five times in a row. To "be" in a position that is still for about three seconds.
- Strain perineal muscles as if trying to interrupt urination. If you want to carry out this exercise during the day, the 200 and the approaches of at least four times.
- Relax and use the muscles of the intimate zone, alternately slowing down and speeding up of the tempo.
- Do relaxation exercises — contraction of the anus.
- In the morning, stand at attention, stretch out all muscle groups and then relax.
- Put your feet shoulder width apart. Slow low squat, knees at the same time, it will dissolve in the parties. Repeat this at least ten times.
- So he walked into the place, raising your knees.
- Lie on the floor. If you want to make exercise a "Bicycle" while in the buttocks or the calf will not appear a feeling of pleasant tiredness.
- You can start with normal sit-UPS, you're doing 5 to 10 a day, gradually increasing the number of sit-UPS.
- "Walking on the buttocks". You are sitting on the floor, and try to "walk" on your buttocks. The exercise is 5 minutes per day.
Grandma's recipes, for the prevention of

- Established the kingdom of the recipes are passed on from one generation to the next, so that it can be used for the treatment and / or prevention.
A Folk remedy for a number of years, to be used for the prevention of the disease:
- Ivan-tea is a to two tablespoons, fill it with half a liter of boiling water and infuse for five minutes, then strain. Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening (30 minutes before dinner).
- Oats, in the amount of two tablespoons, pour 700 ml of boiling water, simmer on a low heat so that the beans become soft. Strain and add 50 ml of fresh juice of parsley. Drink 100 ml of liquid.
- Mince pounds of sunflower seeds and the same quantity of walnut kernels. In the morning is to eat a grated onion and a tablespoon of the mixture the sunflower, and tree nuts.
- The green shell of the chestnuts fills the decoction, and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Peel, chop, take out two spoons of the mixture and pour half a liter of boiling water. Close and leave for the night. In the morning take 1 teaspoon. The medicine in the composition should be stored in a cool, dry place. The soup to drink, as long as it is the end of it.
- 25 eat pumpkin seeds raw, every day, for half an hour before meals.
- Honey and propolis are some of the best folk remedies for the prevention of the disease.
The health of the stimulation of the gland. Enough to spare some time for the prevention of the disease, and you will forget about it. Self-massage will bring relief. Therapeutic massage the body is going to regain its normal operation, wherein:
- It improves the flow of blood; the proportion of nutrients which enter a gland are increased.
- The level of testosterone is responsible for the normal to get an erection, increases.
- The tone of the muscles in the groin increases, normalizing the work of excretory ducts.
Pharmacy prevention

- The drug, in order to remove the inflammation in your body. Of the tablet and prescribed in the acute and the chronic stage of prostatitis. The medicine can improve the body's metabolism, eliminate the swelling of the tissues. Analgesics – analgesics relieve pain in the testicles and the lower part of the abdomen.
- Anti-microbial pills to prevent any bacteria and germs. It is used for the treatment of bacterial prostatitis. The medicines stimulate the increase of protective functions of the body. This usually means an animal or vegetable origin.
For the treatment of the prostate, we recommend the use of dietary supplements, as they have the least contra-indications. This is the medicine to restore the urinary tract, makes urination, stimulate blood circulation in the prostate.
The prevention of prostatitis is the key to men's health for a number of years, and this is the confidence, a good disposition, a sense of competence. It is the key to a long and happy life. Your health is in your hands.