Prostatitis men it is a disease in which the representatives of the stronger sex, an inflammation of the prostate gland, may cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. Of the authorities, the representative of the stronger sex, out of the bubble. Symptoms, of prostatitis in humans appear painful sensations in the lower abdomen or in the back, in the crotch. Thus, it is a violation of urination, frequent urge. During ejaculation a man feels the pain. The Prostate gland is an exclusively male body.

Quite often when the prostate gland from the patient diagnosed with urethritis, vesiculitis. If the patient is elderly, then it is also, in parallel, held an adenoma of the prostate gland.
The Prostate gland produces a fluid, which then becomes the basis for sperm production. It causes inflammation of the joint often becomes an infection, bacterial in nature, an injury, severe hypothermia, problems with blood circulation in the pelvic organs, hormonal disorders in the body in an irregular sexual life. The disease is characterized by the males of the different age groups, but it is the most frequent prostatitis occurs in people who are younger than fifty years of age.
The types of prostatitis
The treatment of prostatitis will know how to handle the matter, in the form of the which a disease appears in men. Thus, bacterial prostatitis can be acute in a chronic disease. Diagnosed Often non-bacterial prostatitis, emerging chronic conditions such as. Prostatitis This type is also referred to as the syndrome of chronic pelvic pain. The patients have all of Such, the typical symptoms of prostatitis, the prostate gland secretion of the but to take off the bacteria.
For acute bacterial prostatitis characterized by a fast development. The people, however, suffer from severe pain, there are signs of poisoning. A lot of the less significant symptoms of a chronic disease, in the form of. In this case, the disease manifests gradually.
The causes of prostatitis
The development of prostatitis promotes a number of specific reasons. Very often, the symptoms of prostatitis occur in men who lead irregular sexual life, often a victim of hypothermia in the trauma. In addition, the prostatitis develops as a result of the low immunity, poor blood flow to the lymph circulation in the pelvic organs of the male, as a result of a hormonal defect that causes a certain level of androgynous insufficiency. A contributing factor to the manifestation of prostatitis, is also considered, the number of infections that are transmitted sexually.
In addition, the symptoms of prostatitis do occur, often in the background of the patient, some of the obstacles to the exit of the bladder (stones, tumors, etc.).
Bacterial prostatitis, the Development is approximately 80% of cases, the cause of the E. coli in the other cases, by pathogen other bacteria become. An additional factor that contributes to the disease, it is a fact that a nutrient as the medium for development of bacteria, the use of prostatic juice. The introduction of bacteria into the prostate gland peace through the blood of the iz and in the infected urethra, they can get into the prostate through the lymph.
The symptoms of prostatitis
The symptoms of prostatitis in its acute form, it is honored by a sharp rise in the temperature. The patient suffers from fever, he's got a sore lower back, is manifested in the muscles pain in the joints. The crotch feels a man is In some discomfort, in the sense of the language in the warmth. There may also be swelling, the prostate increases in size. The frequent urge to urinate, the urine of the patient becomes cloudy. Over a period of time when the touching of the perineum causes pain, which becomes more intense under strong pressure from the prostate gland. Later on, you would common symptoms of acute prostatitis increase the pain in the lower back in the genital area. Sometimes the pain spread to other parts of the body. The patient will complain of a noticeable increase in night-time urinating, during urinating pain, burning sensation.
Of chronic prostatitis with a bacterial nature, and often generally asymptomatic, but can be a challenge for the men, a sign of infections of the urinary tract, which result of complications of the disease as such. In addition to this, in that case, you may experience the following symptoms of prostatitis: pain during ejaculation, blood in semen, the constant appearance of the discharge from the urethra. Can be an expression of pain in the area between the anus, in the scrotum. Later on, the man may be suffering from a sexual dysfunction which can occur as a result of the described symptoms.
The diagnosis of prostatitis

For a proper diagnosis, it is important that the approach to the diagnosis of prostatitis in a comprehensive way. First of all, the expert carried out a survey in the main of a patient. The doctor performs a digital rectal primary, which outlines some of the symptoms of prostatitis – pain in a swelling of the prostate gland.
Guided by the analysis of the data collected, it decides on the appointment of the patient, a urine culture for the purpose of establishing the cause of the infection. Detailed results of The acquisitions, the comparison of the different cultures towards the patterns of the three the urine. It is done by the analysis of the urine sample can be collected at the start of urination, and in the middle of the in be analysed in the award being obtained by massaging the prostate after urination.
In order to avoid errors in diagnosis of prostatitis, it is important to exclude certain diseases, the symptoms, some of which resemble the symptoms of prostatitis. That is, appendicitis, cystitis, prostate cancer, urinary incontinence, benign prostatic hyperplasia, pyelonephritis.
Analyze the blood, leading to prostatitis is the dramatic increase in the number of leukocytes in the increase in the subsidence speed of the cells. In addition, if necessary, to the patient, the purpose of the additional methods of the main – an ultrasound of the prostate gland organs, which are in the vicinity of the are, computerized tomography magnetic resonance imaging or.
The treatment of prostatitis
Treatment of prostatitis involves a course of drugs to be monitored in maintenance treatment. The surgical procedure to be used when the effect of the expiry of conservative treatment was poor.
In the treatment of acute prostatitis of immediate importance for the management of treatment with an antibiotic. Most often, the name of the physician who has a patient receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones. In cases of prostatitis, due to a disease sexually transmitted treatment also includes receiving Ceftriaxone, doxycycline , etc.
In the process of maintaining a treatment, it is important that the diet followed by a soft, possibly a bed. There must be adequate hydration, including, as a minimum, drink eight glasses of water each and every day. The patient can take analgesics, the media impact of the iz and antipyretic. Regularly can Be used for the treatment of prostatitis a sedentary bath. In acute bacterial prostatitis after an adequate therapy, the patient fully recovers. A few of the possible complications, sometimes due to the of acute prostatitis for men may develop an abscess , or a fistula of the prostate.
If the patient has chronic prostatitis should have a course of massage of the prostate, which significantly improves the general condition of the patient. The lay-bacterial prostatitis to relieve your symptoms used anticholinergic drugs in the legitimate. To get rid of the constant chronic pain in an area of need in the prostate gland the treatment of to alpha-blockers are the muscle relaxants. Introduction of analgesics, the patient, is carried out in order to eliminate the spasms of the bladder. Is often also prescribed physiotherapy, which is aimed at stimulation of the nerve endings of the prostate into the surrounding tissues. The method, such As for the treatment, it is also recommended that periodic Masturbation, which helps protect against the appearance of the swelling of the tissues of the prostate gland.
Invalidity of the [spirits of the craft] the above-mentioned methods of treatment the doctor decides on the need for surgery. In this case, we are talking about transurethral resection of the prostate. In some cases also for the implementation of the assigned to prostatectomy – the surgical procedure in which the prostate gland into the surrounding tissue, so as to completely remove it. Such, After the operation, a man may develop impotence in incontinence.
Treatment of prostatitis drug
Treatment of acute prostatitis, in the form of a will with the help of the produced antibiotics. The results of the To achieve the maximum benefits from the treatment, you need to choose the right insurance on the sv of their admission for the termination of the treatment with antibiotics. More of the following long-term use of the drugs required for chronic prostatitis: treat the that it takes to do so, sometimes for three months or less. In addition to this, of course, the treatment by immunomodulatory drugs. In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is important to carefully follow the full recommendations of the doctor. The use of alcoholic beverages, in the high temperature of the other factors, which can be re-used. You can also have the stressful situation is having a negative effect.
In addition to the drugs iz, prostatitis, within the context of the treatment, the commonly used techniques in physiotherapy. In addition, prostatitis is treated with the laser, the effective recovery of tissue, such as an ultrasound, a permanent magnetic field, however, etc
Treatment of prostatitis at home

In the process of the treatment of the disease allowed the use of a side-by-side treatment of prostatitis for home.
Even the most ancient times for the treatment of the prostate gland, an inflammation of the nonmedical use of a conventional pumpkin seeds. The fact is that pumpkin seeds contain a very high amount of zinc, an element that is very necessary for every man's body, no matter what your age.
There is a method of prostate treatment with pumpkin seeds. You'll need the peel of about half a kilogram of sunflower seeds in them to grind in a meat grinder. Keep in mind that it is a cure, prostatitis to be effective, if you are using raw pumpkin seeds. The resulting mass is added to the honey – about 200 grams. The solution is to have a good mix in the design of the balls to the original-the candy into the size of a coconut. Candy, This medication should be stored in a cool place. There, the balls should be before meals, and one or two on a daily basis.
For the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies of the media to the juice therapy is also used. Drink a lot of juice going on, it encourages the secretion of the male uric acid absorption of the body, in the muscles, often caused by diseases of the prostate gland. Suitable For this purpose, the fresh carrot juice mixed with the juices of the asparagus, cucumber, in this chapter.
The other to be the men drink the juice of the berries of the black elderberry. It would be moral to be drunk in the morning, before Breakfast, and one tablespoon. The juice you Use, that is not less than ten days. In the treatment of the water, increased, you can of the patient's body temperature. Normal, That is, the process of which indicate that the therapy is working.
Shell of the chestnut to those you can help who are suffering from prostatitis. You will need to take the shell of the fresh-the needles in a beer. To prepare the broth, chopped the peel chestnuts pour the boiling water into the fill. Use the broth instead of tea. It is also possible to make use of enemas, such a decoction.

Grass celandine in Hemlock as well suited for the preparation of the treatment of the infusion prostatitis. Keep in mind that it is Hemlock poisonous plant. Half a tablespoon of the two herbs need to pour 100 g of alcohol. Of the tinctures, For the preparation of the ten days in a dark place, after which it is filtered. You need to use the infusion in the morning, 30 minutes before a meal. For a small amount of water or milk, add it on the first day, a single drop of the infusion. The next day it drops a number two, etc., That is, the thirtieth day of people drink thirty drops of the tincture. There is a need to Further reverse the order of the system. of the eye, in the years of the day of the treatment the patient to once again return to one drop of the infusion.
At home, you can be prepared from a decoction yarrow herb, birch leaves of the bearberry. The mixture of herbs pour boiling water in to fill. After straining drink before meals for two tablespoons.
Treatment of prostatitis of the candle
A very good way of fighting inflammation has long been considered propolis. A cooking tool that is used for the treatment, in 200 ml of pure alcohol to evaporate for 40 grams of propolis. When the propolis extract was prepared by 0.1 g of the extract was mixed with 2 g of cocoa oil. The mixture must be formulated in the form of a candle in the overnight insert it into the rectum. The treatment is to be continued every day throughout the month. After about a half of a month, of course, is again. Propolis also can be taken internally, if you want to make use of the 20%-ing alcohol propolis tincture. 40 drops of tincture dissolved in 100 g of water. This the cure-prostatitis lasts for forty-five days prior to the meals. Also, the rate of the pollen treatment, consume one teaspoon in the morning, in the evening, half an hour before meals.
For the other types of candles over a period of three tablespoons of rye flour ban, add one teaspoon of raw egg in between. Of the two to form a homogenous dough, the solution of which is formed of the candle, which comprises a diameter of approximately one inch. The candles have to be put in the freezer. It is inserted into the night into the anus in the morning. The treatment takes four weeks, if necessary, can be repeated in a week.