Walls are handled at home - it’s hard not to agree with this idea.
In any advancedhospital, most people still need serious arguments to favor the walls of their home.
In this article, we will talk about how to treatchronic prostatitisin men at home.
Can it be cured at home?
In most cases, prostatitis can be cured at home. There are a number of exceptions that make home treatmentdangerous. We'll talk about them further. In any case, it is certainly better to see a doctor.
If your treatment for prostatitis involves the use of medications and therapeutic practices, you certainly don’t need to be in the hospital to do so. It is not difficult to apply for theoutpatientphysiotherapy at the district polyclinic.
Treatment of prostatitis is usuallyone monthandthree. At home this is a normal period, the hospital for such a period without urgent need is clearly annoying.
To prevent exacerbations ofprostatitiswith home treatment, do the following:
- Eat right, diet.
- Forget about alcohol, smoking, gambling, and other stress-related activities when treating prostatitis.
- Have sex with a partner regularly.
- Do not risk your prostate.
- Don't catch a cold.
- Move as much as you can.
When to see a doctor?
Patients with prostatitis are requiredHospital treatmentis for the following purposes:
- process of intravenous antibiotics;
- surgery (for example, with an abscess).
Such treatments are needed if the disease is exacerbated or severely neglected, with the risk of developingcomplications.
Chronic prostatitis: home treatment
These are performed for the following purpose:
- elimination of prostate congestion, better muscle contraction in the pelvic area;
- improves prostate blood flow;
- analgesia;
- relieves inflammation and swelling of the prostate;
- to restore the natural functioning of the gland.
These results can be achieved using hardware procedures through the skin or mucosa of patients with prostatitis.
Usuallyis performed on an outpatient basis.
machinescan also be purchased at retail for personal use.
Electrophoresis. The device uses the DC property to increase the rate and depth of penetration into the tissues of the body of a patient with prostatitis.
Ultrasound emitter. High-frequency sounds improve metabolic processes, sexual desire, relieve inflammation of the prostate, dissolve scars, help repair damaged tissues, and treat rectal injuries.
Magnetic therapy devices act on the bodies of patients with prostatitis with amagnetic field. It relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration without side effects.
medical lasersincrease the body's endurance, prostate activity and improve overall condition. The therapy is performed in the morning, the course is 15 times.
Electrostimulatorswith current vibrations eliminate gland stagnation, continue the outflow of secretions.
Microcrystals are used to inject anti-inflammatory drugs into the rectum as intended, as instructed.
Healing,mud bathsProstatitis is treated by heating the problem areas and the beneficial substances in the fluid.
Physiotherapy is not used if:
- exacerbation of the disease; presence of
- neoplasms;
- decompensated diabetes mellitus;
- active tuberculosis.
Prostate Massageis a very effective part of a complex therapy for prostatitis. Although you can't call it pleasant.
The doctor takes direct action with a gloved finger to remove tension in the glandular muscles, gradually relieving the edema.
This eliminates the patient's pain, gives the lobe of the organ equal dimensions and restores its functions.
Excretions and stagnant sperm flow out, damaging the microflora.
Competent prostate massage should only be performed by aspecialistwearing special gloves, who should therefore be called at home.
The organ is veryfragileIf you try to perform the same operations yourself (self-massage) or with the help of an incompetent person, you may be seriously injured by the risk of sepsis.
Compliance with all the rules of hand massagesterilityin the best outpatient or hospital setting.
In this case,IMPORTANTdoes not apply:
- expired fat;
- non-sterile gloves.
Massage Contraindications:
- is the stage of exacerbation;
- Calculative prostatitis (stones in the prostate).
If it is impossible to attend outpatient, inpatient massages, you should consider: an alternative to this (although inferior) is one of the above physiotherapy procedures that can be used safely on your own at home.Self-massage for prostatitis is unacceptable!
movement therapy
Any exercise can be helpful in preventing prostatitis, starting with regular morning exercises. But special practices have been developed specifically against prostatitis.
Kegel Exercise Series
Objectivesto strengthen the muscles of the perineum. Their identification is simple: one retains the flow of urine while writing. The muscles (the muscles of the prostate) that will work in this case and need to be trained.
Str. 1.Stretch and relax the prostate muscles one by one. The faster the better.
Str. 2.Tighten the muscles, keep them taut for 4 seconds, relax smoothly.
Str. 3.Gently tighten the muscles as with bowel movements. Relax.
In the first lesson, each exercise is repeated eight times. This cycle is repeated five times a day.
Increase the number of repetitions of each exercise four times a week in the cycle until you reach45 repetitions. This type of exercise is done every day while the problem of prostatitis is relevant.
Drug therapy
Whether an antibiotic treatment can be given at home to treat chronic prostatitis depends on the specific case.
The individual characteristics of the structure of the prostate, the presence / absence of allergies in the patient, the causes of the disease and the degree of severity play a role. The decision in this case is made by theurologist.
Antibacterial drugs
Antibioticsare the main means of killing bacteria. To treat men’s chronic prostatitis at home, the urologist should prescribe medications to make sure they are dealing with thebacterial form of prostatitis. Otherwise, taking antibiotics will only hurt.
- Your doctor will usually prescribefluoroquinolonesto treat bacterial prostatitis. They are distinguished by their activity, permeability, their action against many bacterial species; when administered orally, they accumulate in the gland.
- chronic prostatitisis well treated with antibiotics of the tetracycline and macrolide groups.
Fillingrectal suppositoriesproduces antibiotics, propolis, antispasmodics, bovine gland constituents, and other ingredients in the treatment of prostatitis.
The use ofsuppositoriesin prostatitis eliminates swelling, pain, inflammation. They help restore sexual and urinary function, suppress the development of vascular thrombosis, and improve blood circulation.
Chinese patches act as a focus for inflammation of the prostate, with microparticles of the drug penetrating the skin.
This has been achieved withnanotechnology. They are easy to use: wash the area around the navel well with soap, shave the hair there, remove the sticker and glue the plaster.
After three days, remove and wash the bonding area again. After a day, glue another plaster. The process of treating prostatitis is six patches,24 days. In parallel, antibiotics can be taken to increase the effect.
Traditional methods
The following folk remedies for prostatitis have been tested:
- pumpkin seeds;
- hazelnuts;
- poplar;
- chestnuts;
- propolis;
- parsley.
Bath, sauna

Steaming with chronic prostatitis should becareful. Overheating leads to swelling of the prostate. The time spent in the steam bath and the heating must be strictly regulated.
Care should also be taken for cooling after a steam bath.
Finnish scientists have shown that the sauna increaseslibido, ie sexual desire.
This is different from a traditional 37-degree bath, which, on the contrary, reduces mobility and sperm count.
Sauna has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscle of the prostate gland, increases lower abdominal blood flow, improves immunity. Patients with prostatitis improve when the sauna or bath is combined withsweat teaorapple cider vinegar.
Vegetables and fruits make up the bulk of the diet of patients with prostatitis.
- Spices- parsley, mustard, horseradish - reduce inflammation, speed healing.
- onions, garlic kills disease-causing bacteria; improves blood circulation, efficiency.
- zincneeded for prostate work is found in seafood: shrimp, algae, crabs, fish, shellfish.
A patient with prostatitisshould avoid the following foods:
- Alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, tea.
- Fatty, smoked, fried foods.
- Convenience food, fast food, baked goods.
- Legumes.
- Canned food.
Adietis not enough to cure prostatitis. But violating it invalidates other costs of treatment, neutralizes its effect.
If the disease persists
Ifchronic prostatitisdoes not go away after treatment at home, chances are you are not disciplined to follow your doctor's recommendations unattended.
We have to keep the restrictions on leave that are supposed to go to the hospital. But if you break the system here, expect complications that will definitely involve prolonged hospital care, possibly surgery.
Of which:
- vesiculitis;
- gland abscess;
- prostate sclerosis;
- cysts, resulting in prostate stones;
- infertility.
Now you know how to treatchronic prostatitisat home. The main thing that is expected of a patient is discipline and adherence to ALL recommendations. It is important to follow the therapeutic order, the diet, and not to miss the procedures.
Keep in mind that popularfolk remediesare only an adjunct to official remedies and should be coordinated with a therapist.