Prostatitis is a disease that every man is afraid of. This is a condition in which inflammation of the prostate gland develops, which can easily lead to serious complications. Every year, the disease affects more and more men and is getting younger. Thus, according to physician statistics, 30% of men aged 30-35 are diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. In the group over 50 years, inflammation is present in 50% of men. Among people over the age of 65, prostatitis is diagnosed in 70%. In the absence of therapy, the disease begins to progress slowly but surely, eventually leading to the development of oncology. If you start fighting the disease as soon as you feel like you are applying the therapy with a combination of medications and folk remedies, you can expect a quick and complete cure. Don’t be afraid to be diagnosed with "prostatitis" as this disease is not cancer and can be successfully treated with proper treatment. In case of the slightest suspicion, consult a doctor and choose the optimal treatment with him.
What can cause prostatitis
There are many reasons why inflammation of the prostate gland begins and they are very often combined with each other. As the main provocateurs of the disease, doctors today call:
- Sexually transmitted diseases and infectionssexually transmitted diseases - it is not uncommon for diseases to develop unnoticed for a long time after entering the body and to take over the entire urogenital system. In such a situation, prostatitis is usually diagnosed at the moment when the underlying disease becomes apparent and therefore a doctor is consulted.
- Entry into the ducts of the prostate gland of urine- this happens when the urination process is violated, in which the urethral carrion gradually relaxes.
- Circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs- can be observed when a sedentary lifestyle, wearing very tight, tight pants and underpants leads to intermittent circulation in the pelvic organs. As a result, there is an overflow of blood in the prostate gland, leading to chronic injury, followed by disturbances in its work and nutrient supply. Because of this, an inflammatory process develops in the prostate.
- Interruption of intercourse,artificial prolongation of sexual intercourse or prolonged abstinence - all this leads to the fact that the secret of the prostate gland does not leave the body and stagnation occurs, which becomes the cause of inflammation.
- Hormonal disorders in the body- if the production of sex hormones is impaired, there will be a significant increase or decrease in the activity of the glandular cells, which will cause inflammation. Prostatitis most often occurs in old age in this way.
- Sudden decrease in immunity- when the body's natural barrier is weakened, pathogenic bacteria, which are usually present in small amounts in the urethra and do not cause damage, begin to multiply, provoking the inflammatory process.
- Severe hypothermia- provokes the development of the disease, as the common cold leads to a decrease in local immunity and deterioration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
Regardless of what caused the disease, it should be treated immediately and according to all the doctor’s recommendations.
Symptoms of prostatitis
The fact that the inflammatory process has begun to develop in the prostate is evidenced by the following symptoms:
- Difficulty urinating
- pain while urinating;
- feeling foreign when urinating;
- poor urine flow (sometimes urine may not be released in a stream but in drops);
- difficulty urinating;
- increased urination;
- burning sensation when urinating;
- emptying of prostate secretion after defecation;
- feeling of pain in the perineum with prolonged sitting;
- aching pain in the sacrum;
- aching pain in the rectum;
- erectile dysfunction;
- decrease in sexual desire;
- disappearance of spontaneous erection;
- infertility;
- decreased performance;
- nervous weakness;
- sleep disorders;
- chronic fatigue;
- a slight increase in body temperature.
Depending on how severe the inflammation is, the symptoms of the disease may be stronger or weaker, but they will in any case require immediate medical attention for successful treatment. Shyness in this situation is unreasonable because we are talking about health and also because most patients turn to a urologist with just such a problem. Any delay threatens the patient with serious complications such as cancer and infertility.
Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis
It should be recalled that alternative therapy should only be used as an adjunct to the main treatment.
- Pumpkin seeds and honey- an excellent cure for inflammation of the prostate gland. To prepare the remedy, 500 g of dried pumpkin seeds should be taken, peeled, then ground in a mortar or blender. Then add 200 g of honey to the resulting mass. Mix the composition well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Such a volume of drug is designed for 1 dose. This medicine is used three times a day, 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before a meal. This therapy should take two courses a year: first, for treatment, and second, for prevention.
- Honey candleswill be very useful for prostatitis. For the treatment, take 1 teaspoon of any high-quality honey and mix it with 1/2 of the raw egg yolk (better if the egg comes from domestic chicken). After mixing both ingredients until smooth, add 3 tablespoons of rye flour. The composition is then mixed thoroughly again and stirred for approx. 1 cm thick candles are formed from it. Put the candles in the refrigerator freezer for storage. The candles are inserted after a cleansing enema in the morning and evening for 4 weeks. Thereafter, after a break of 7 days, the treatment is repeated to consolidate the effect.
- Hazelit allows you to significantly accelerate healing and quickly remove the inflammatory process. To prepare the medicinal composition, take 10 branches of hazelnuts with leaves and pour water so that only covers them. The composition is then placed on fire and boiled for 20 minutes. The pan is then insulated with the drug blanket and the broth is allowed to infuse for 10 hours. The composition is then filtered. For the therapeutic procedure, the prepared drug is heated and heated, sitting on top of it so that the main amount of steam falls on the perineum. Warm up for 10 minutes. The procedure is performed daily for 1 week. You can use the same broth for up to 3 days.
- Ussuri pearable to cope with prostatitis and prevent its recurrence. For the treatment, you need to collect ripe fruits and make compote out of them. To preserve the pears, the fruits are frozen until the next harvest. To make a medicinal drink, take 6 glasses of water for 1 glass of pear and bring to a boil like an ordinary compote. In case the patient has no problems with sugar, honey is added to the pear broth to taste. He drinks this drink all day. In order for the prostatitis to completely disappear and not continue, you should drink pear compote all year round. It is also useful for women as it perfectly strengthens the immune system and fights various inflammatory processes in the body.
- Vegetable juice mixture- a very effective medicine for men's problems. For medicinal purposes, 120 ml of asparagus, beet, cucumber and carrot juice must be mixed. The drink thus obtained is divided in half and drunk 1 part in the morning and evening. The total cure is 1 month.
- Parsleywill be quite useful in case of prostatitis. You need to prepare the dry seeds of the plant for the treatment. First, pour 2 small (teaspoonful) seeds with 250 ml of freshly boiled water and bring to the boil for 15 minutes. The medicine is then allowed to infuse until it has cooled completely. After filtering the medicine well, take 1 tablespoon 6 times daily before meals. The medicine is taken for 30 days. Such a drug not only fights prostatitis, but also relieves impotence, allowing male strength to return in old age.
- Chestnut musselseffective natural remedy for prostatitis. In order to eliminate the disease with their help, a medicine should be prepared according to this recipe: with 3 tablespoons of slipped, well-crushed mussels, pour 600 ml of freshly boiled water and stick to it overnight. After filtration and placing in a water bath, it is concentrated to a volume of 200 ml. They consume 30 drops three times a day before meals. The course is designed for 1 serving of broth. After a break of 60 days, the treatment should be repeated to consolidate the result.
- Garlic therapy.To do this, chop 5 cloves of garlic with a fine grater and pour over 2 cups of boiling water. Also, the drug is adhered to all night. Filter the product in the morning and take 60 ml in the morning and evening before meals. The duration of this treatment is 1 month. This medicine helps to clean the blood vessels and restore the normal blood supply to the prostate tissue. You can also use the device to prevent prostatitis, perform a herbal cleansing treatment in the spring and fall.
- Rhodiola rosea rootit is also recommended for the fight against prostatitis. For medicinal purposes, 1 tablespoon of roots should be chopped, pour 200 ml of freshly boiled water and place in a water bath. In this way, you have to boil the composition for 15 minutes. The drug is then adhered for 60 minutes. Take in a filtered 100 ml form in the morning and afternoon. The course lasts for 3 weeks.
- Perineum massage with honeyit will have a noticeable healing effect. To do this, you need to take dark honey and apply it to the branch. Then rub in circular motions for 15 minutes. The massage should be intense but not painful. This procedure should be repeated every morning for 1 month.
- Healing baths with pine oilit also does an excellent job with prostatitis. For the treatment, a sitting bath should be performed for 20 minutes every night with the addition of 20 drops of pine essential oil. The water temperature should be as high as it can withstand. The duration of treatment is 20 days.
Exercise for prostatitis
Because the disease is very often caused by stagnation of the pelvic organs, special physical exercises will also be helpful in treating the disease. They are simple and not time consuming.
- Squatting is an excellent way to normalize blood circulation in the tissues of the prostate gland. It should be done 3 times a day. You should not chase volumes and exhaust yourself when you execute them. Just 30 squats in 1 approach is enough to prevent congestion.
- Another and also very strong exercise is foot swing. Alternately, straightened legs should be raised to form a 90-degree angle between the thigh and body. Each foot must make 30 swings.
- Can be used as exercise and stairs. To eliminate stagnation, it is enough to climb the stairs to the 5th floor in the morning and evening and go down. Such daily walks will have a pronounced healing effect.
Exercise should be done after the prostatitis has healed to prevent recurrence.
Prevention of prostatitis
To prevent the occurrence of prostatitis, which every man is so afraid of, you need to know the rules of prevention and strictly monitor their implementation. Only then will it be possible to maintain health. The following prevent the disease from developing:
- active lifestyle - provide sedentary walks for at least 30 minutes of daily work and visit the gym at least 3 times a week;
- harmonious maintenance of sex;
- using a condom when having sex with a partner whose health is in doubt;
- proper nutrition - the body must receive all the necessary substances; the use of fast food, which contains huge amounts of substances harmful to the body, should also be ruled out;
- good rest;
- daily contrast shower - this is necessary to strengthen the immune system and ensure proper blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- daily exercise against prostatitis.
All of these operations help protect yourself from prostatitis and related problems. Only with a careful attitude to your body can you expect this disease to bypass the page and keep men’s health until old age.