What is prostatitis it is well known that a lot of men. The disease is manifested by frequent urination, pain, erectile dysfunction, and other symptoms indicating pathology of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. For further diagnosis is necessary to consult a urologist, who finds the cause of the disease, and explain what the disease is, what its name means, what the symptoms are and the treatment.

The Prostate gland
The Prostate gland is an unpaired organ that is made up of glandular tissue, and fibrino-way, the film is front of the pelvic region. The upper part is in contact with the bladder, posterior — rectum, and the front — of the pubic bone.
The main purpose of the prostate gland, which is subjected to a special secret, which ensures that your position agaisnt the vitality and resiliency.
This substance is produced by acinus – small, lobules), which is surrounded by a muscular sheath.
The other functions of the prostate gland include the following:
- protection against unintentional urination;
- to prevent the reflux of ejaculate into the bladder;
- prevention of infection in the upper parts of the urinary system (the kidneys, your ureters).
Function of the Prostate is controlled by androgens, and estrogens, steroids and pituitary hormones.
A description of the diseases of the
The male prostatitis (prostatitis is an incorrect spelling) is a common pathology of the prostate accompanied by inflammation, impaired urination and sexual dysfunction. The swelling causes a narrowing of the channels of the prostate gland to prevent the normal discharge of prostatic juice, and it causes stagnation.
Most often disease of the prostate gland in men, a diagnosis between the ages of 25 – 50 years old. Sometimes, the pathology makes itself felt sooner or later.
The causes of the
Prostatitis in men develop due to the following reasons:
- Which is not a problem. Most often, the deterioration of the prostate gland causes a violation of the circulation of blood and lymphatic flow to the prostate gland, and congestion associated with a rare shower of. Sometimes, the pathology of the develops because of too frequent intercourse, or the periodic movement (e.g., motorcyclists).
- However. An inflammation of the prostate gland to develop in the background of the infection. This can be a bacteria, virus, or fungus, that is in the prostate via the blood or lymph from the urethra or the remote infected sources (throat, teeth, maxillary sinus).

The factors which cause prostatitis in men are the following:
- hypothermia;
- of the injury;
- genetic predisposition;
- a sedentary lifestyle habits or regular exercise fatigue;
- the regular stress.
- bad habits;
- a poor diet;
- the insomnia, the long-term lack of sleep;
- a weak immune system;
- chronic infectious processes;
- caries.
The main cause of the disease, shall be deemed to be a violation of the outflow of blood capillary, which leads to stagnation, reduced local immunity, and reproduction of the bacterial flora.
The impact of harmful factors, increases the inflammation of prostate prolongs the duration of the treatment, and to contribute to the development of complications.
Types and symptoms of
An inflammation of the prostate gland seen in the following:
- the pain in your pelvic area (that is, when the discharge of urine, discharge, defecation);
- the frequent urge to urinate;
- a discharge of blood, mucus, pus from the urethra;
- turbidity of urine;
- decreases in libido and other problems.
The severity of clinical signs depends on the cause and form of illness.

An acute inflammation of the prostate gland, usually accompanied by an elevated body temperature (axillary, rectal), and signs of poisoning (headache, aches, chills, nausea).
The patient of the prostate gland compresses the surrounding tissue, the nerve endings and leads to:
- constipation;
- violation of urination, the complete cessation of the discharge of the urine;
- the pain is in the lumbar region, the testicles, the groin.
Acute prostatitis in men, it often occurs on the background of inflammation of the prostate pathogens.
Important! Sometimes an acute inflammation of the prostate gland, it is in the background, which is done prior to the biopsy.
An inflammation of the prostate gland is often detected accidentally during a routine examination or examination for another illness.
The progression of the disease, which leads to the disruption of the morphology and of the functioning of the prostate gland, which displays the following:
- the pain;
- dysuria;
- of sexual disorders.
This is one of the most common complications from a chronic form of the disease is characterized by formation of stones in the acinus.
What is the effect on the prostate, in men who have been calculous inflammation of the joint, depending on the severity of the. The major clinical signs, which emit a dull ache pain in groin, pubis and scrotum.
The long-term lack of treatment may lead to the development of inflammation of the seminal vesicle, abscess of the prostate, a MS of the prostate.
What are the diseases of the prostatitis, and why it is being developed all the time you don't know any of the men.
This is the type of the concerned individuals, to:
- move a little bit;
- they have a bad habit;
- for most of the day to spend sitting;
- do not lead a regular sexual life.
- the practice of interrupted intercourse.
The symptoms of a prostate gland, the inflammation of the the background of the stagnation of the same event, and chronic calculous form of the disease, so the diagnosis is necessary laboratory and instrumental diagnosis of. The first character indicates the congestive prostatitis in the male, erection of the deterioration.
The cause of the disease is reflected in the title. Most often, the prostate gland to fight against the bacteria, rarely by viruses, and fungi. In the majority of cases of infectious inflammation of the prostate gland is a complication of other forms.
This leads to a decrease in local and General immunity against:
- hypothermia;
- any other acute or chronic infections;
- cancer, and tumors;
- auto-immune diseases.
- disorders of the neighbouring organs;
- the incorrect life-style.

What is the prostate gland in men, which were inflammation of the respiratory type, depending on the progress of the disease. Often the complaints are reminiscent of symptoms of acute or chronic prostatitis.
In more extreme cases, the pathological process involved the entire body.
The early (catarrhal) form of purulent inflammation of the joint occurs, with the erased symptoms similar to the symptoms of diseases of the bladder – cystitis. The progression of the pain to get worse, and they appear marked signs of intoxication.
Abscessed form of the disease is the most severe and often leads to peritonitis, sepsis and death.
The diagnosis of
In the primary treatment of the gland inspected through the anus. During palpation the doctor determines the size of the structure and the contours of the body.
At this stage, the preliminary diagnosis, to be confirmed with the help of the review, including any of the following laboratory method:
- development and biochemical analysis of the blood;
- the determination of PSA (prostate specific antigen);
- clinical and bacteriological study of the urine, prostatic secretion, smears from the urethra;
- the sensitivity to antibiotics;
- the semen analysis.
- the detection of C-reactive protein;
- cystoscopy and histology puncture of the content.
Referred to in the instrument is subject to:
- rectal ultrasound;
- A CT scan or an MRI of the prostate and other organs of the pelvis;
- a biopsy of the.
The diagnosis, which is carried out by public or private laboratories.
The principles of treatment

Where and how is the treatment of the inflammation of the prostate gland, the doctor may decide on the basis of the results of the tests are carried out. If the patient's condition is satisfactory, then you can make a visit to the outpatient, and the home of the drug. Otherwise, the doctor explains to the man, and the risks associated with the disease, and insisted on hospitalization. In severe cases, the patient hospitalitynet added.
Conservative treatment includes taking a medicine to remove the cause of the disease, congestion and inflammation of the prostate gland.
The list includes the following:
- the level (with regard to the results of the antibiogram);
- anti-inflammatory medication no steroidal origin, or a corticosteroid;
- immunomodulators;
- vitamins and minerals;
- vasodilator medications (unless contraindicated).
When in severe pain prescribe painkillers or antispasmodics.
After the elimination of the acute phase of the third part of the physiotherapy techniques:
- the prostate massage;
- the electrophoresis;
- microwave one;
- an ultrasound of the.
In severe cases, the execution of partial or complete prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland). Prostatitis with the stones, which are treated in the same sample, however, the massage is an androgen-dependent organ, which is absolutely contraindicated.
What is prostatitis and how to treat it, you're going to want to know, for a lot of men. The outpatient treatment is no longer an emergency admission to the hospital, you should implement all of the recommendations of the doctor to take prescribed medicines, it would be to avoid the precipitating factors, and not self-treatment. In addition to the basic therapy plan is a useful medicinal herb, which is selected by your doctor.
To eliminate disease healthy:
- chamomile;
- peony;
- the seeds and leaves of the plantain;
- stinging;
- the roots of burdock;
- pumpkin seeds.

The prevention of
The best prevention of prostatitis in men, regular access to a doctor, and the adaptation of lifestyle, which must include the following:
- daily physical activity;
- regular intercourse;
- a proper diet;
- a full night of sleep.
Stress, bad habits, and other predisposing factors, on the contrary, it would have to be removed. Prostatitis in men, often leading to erectile dysfunction.
The elimination of the disease, prescription of medicines from the group of inhibitors of PDE-5. If that doesn't help, you need counseling.